Seminar information Jasperreports Server Enterprise Edition
Seminar information
- Target group
- Prerequisites
- Seminar duration
- Training documents
- Infrastructure requirements
- Seminar offers & prices
Here you will find further information on our seminar prices.
Seminar goal
Learn how to set up comprehensive reporting for your company based on the Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite in a seminar lasting several days. In this course you will learn about the wide range of Jasperreports Server functions from a developer, administration and user perspective
Design JRXML reports with iReport or Jaspersoft Studio and use Jasperreports Server as a reporting center for scheduled report execution or ad-hoc report generation. Develop your Jasperreports Server implementation into a portal solution with dashboards (cockpits). Use the web-based Ad-Hoc Editor to quickly create reports and conveniently analyze your business data online.
In this course, you will be introduced to the essential features of multidimensional data models and the MDX query language. Jaspersoft OLAP and the new Ad-hoc OLAP Editor will open up completely new high-performance possibilities for analyzing your company data.
The capabilities of Jasperreports Server can be invaluable for optimizing operational business processes and making informed strategic business decisions. Find out how this is possible in this course!
Seminar content / Agenda
- Overview Jaspersoft BI-Suite
- Components of the JasperReport Server
- Administration
- Design of JRXML reports with iReport
- Execution of reports
- Repository & Resources
- Web interface in corporate design
- Ad-hoc reports and data analysis
- Domain Security
- Authentication & Authorization
- Development of dashboards (cockpits)
- Server APIs
- Jaspersoft OLAP in action
- Basics of multidimensional databases
- Query language MDX
- Mondrian OLAP implementation
- Jaspersoft tools
On request, focal points can be set and concrete examples with reference to customer projects can be implemented. In the form of a seminar, the agenda contains a high proportion of practical exercises. In this way, an optimum learning effect can be achieved.
For a well-founded conception of JRXML reports with iReport or Jaspersoft Studio, we recommend the corresponding seminars in our offer as a supplement. A combination of courses is possible (e.g. Jasperreports Server and Jaspersoft Studio in 5 days, depending on requirements and objectives).
Seminar request