Seminar information Visualization Workshop

Seminar information

Developers, users and specialist departments
Knowledge of Java programming, Jasperreports Server and reporting (can be supplemented in advance in additional modules).
2-3 days from 09:00 to 17:00.
Bound A4 seminar booklet with over 200 pages of knowledge and practical exercises. Sample solutions on accompanying medium (optional USB memory stick).
Training PC per participant with Jasperreports Server Professional Edition and Jaspersoft Studio installation, Jasperreports Server installation with Tomcat application server, Postgres DBMS and sample databases (Jaspersoft BI-Suite version 5.x and newer).
The maximum group size is limited to 12 participants in all courses. For larger groups there are additional costs for a co-trainer.
Here you will find further information on our seminar prices.

Seminar goal

In this two-day seminar, you will acquire the knowledge and skills to visualize data effectively in your company and to obtain targeted information more quickly. The ability to visualize data in an appealing way gives you the opportunity to accelerate and improve strategic decision-making processes in your company.

By visualizing data correctly, complex information can be understood at a glance. This enables you to recognize trends, patterns and correlations more easily, which in turn forms the basis for well-founded and timely decisions. By converting data into meaningful charts, graphs and dashboards, you can not only increase the efficiency of your analysis processes, but also improve communication within your company.

The seminar will teach you practice-oriented methods and techniques to visualize data in a convincing and understandable way. You will learn how to select and apply the appropriate visualization tools and techniques for different types of data and business scenarios. In addition, best practices for the design and presentation of data visualizations will be taught to ensure that your message is communicated clearly and effectively.

At the end of the seminar, you will be able to present data in a visually appealing and effective way to create real added value for your company. You will be able to harness the power of data visualization to simplify complex information, make informed decisions and improve the performance of your business.

Seminar content / Agenda

In order to meet the specific requirements and unique architecture of the customer, we design the agenda of our training courses to be variable. We draw on carefully selected content from various training courses that are closely linked to the customer's needs and requirements. This content is tailored precisely to the customer's individual architecture and specific requirements. This customized approach ensures that the training is not only relevant, but also directly related to the customer's real working environment. By integrating content from related training courses, we achieve a comprehensive understanding of the topics while ensuring relevance to the customer's specific challenges. In this way, we can ensure that our training is not only informative, but also extremely effective and practical.

The agenda of the seminar includes an overview of:

  • Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Platform
  • Best practices for visualization,
  • Jasperreports Visualization Libraries
  • Highcharts Customization
  • Fusion Charts, Maps, Widgets
  • Google Maps
  • TIBCO Maps
  • Highchart Maps
  • JFreeCharts Customization
  • Custom Visualization Component
  • Jasperreports Dashboards.

Seminar request