Seminar information Jasperreports
Seminar information
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- Prerequisites
- Seminar duration
- Documents
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- Seminar offers & prices
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Seminar goal
Learn all about the OLAP functionality (this is a ROLAP implementation based on the open source Mondrian engine) of the Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite in this two-day seminar. The capabilities of JasperReports Server can be invaluable in optimizing your operational business processes and helping you make informed strategic business decisions. Find out how you can benefit from this in this course!
In this course you will learn the essential basics of multidimensional data models and the MDX query language. Jaspersoft OLAP and the new ad-hoc editor OLAP Editor open up completely new and high-performance possibilities for analyzing your company data.
Additional tools such as Mondrian Schema Workbench, Aggregation Designer and Jaspersoft ETL as well as the standardized XMLA interface are also covered.
This seminar is also an excellent addition to our JasperReports Server seminars.
Remark / Note:
JPivot views in the community version of Jasperserver are deprecated and will no longer be supported in the future. Professional and Enterprise versions of Jasperserver can connect OLAP designs to the ad hoc editor or be accessed by third-party applications via the XMLA interface. Professional and Enterprise versions enable data analytics using newer technologies such as in-memory databases.
Seminar content / Agenda
- Overview Jaspersoft BI-Suite
- Jaspersoft OLAP in action
- Basics of multidimensional databases
- Query language MDX
- Mondrian OLAP implementation / schema design
- Schema optimization with Aggregation Designer
- Automated data loading processes with Jaspersoft ETL
- OLAP views in the Jasperreports Server (Community/Professional)
- JRXML/MDX reports with iReport and / or JAspersoft Studio
On request, focal points can be set and concrete examples with reference to customer projects can be implemented. In the form of a seminar, the agenda contains a high proportion of practical exercises in order to achieve an optimum learning effect.
Seminar request